
Why You Should Invest in a New Website 2020

Why is this a reason to invest in a new website?

As a business you can’t ignore the change in the way people are consuming websites. You need to ensure that your website looks fantastic and offers a flawless user experience (UX) on mobile devices (as well as desktop ones too). Otherwise you’re going to loose potential business – no question about it.

If your website was redesigned more than a year ago it’s also worth noting that Google has started to roll out it’s “Mobile First Index”. Because most people are now browsing the web from their phones, Google is starting to determine where your site ranks based on how your website renders on mobile, rather than on desktop. Here’s some more information on this if you want to read more.

Even if your current website is responsive and adjusts when viewed on a range of different devices, if it was created even back in early 2017, chances are there are improvements that can be made now we know more about how users interact with responsive websites.

We see 2018 as the perfect time to redesign your website to put mobile users first.

The content on your website isn’t communicating the right message anymore

Content – often left as the last piece of the puzzle in a web design project – is actually one of the most important elements of your website. Why?

Because words go a long way in converting your website visitors into customers and clients. Pair up awesome design with great content and you’re on to a winning combination.

So, what’s the problem with content on many business websites?

It’s not regularly fine tuned and updated, so it makes your website appear extremely stagnant, and can even make your business project a totally different message to the one you intended.

It’s written like a series of statements and facts. E.g. “We were founded in 2009 and offer web design services to small businesses”. Rather than in a way that addresses the problems your clients are facing and how you can solve them to make your client’s life easier.

Why is this a reason to invest in a new website?

Content is definitely still king online, more so in 2018 than at any other time, so having a website that makes it super-easy for you to effortlessly add new content is essential if you want your website to be a success this year.

A website redesign is also the perfect time to re-evaluate your message and re-work your content to make sure it’s resonating with your target audience(s). Our top tip would be to also ensure that if you do redesign your website this year, make sure you pick an easy to use CMS (Content Management System) and put a lot of work in to fine tuning your content and making sure it’s of high value to your prospects.

Your visitors can’t easily find what they need or complete an action on your website

The ideal client you want to appeal to may have changed over time in your business, so there’s a good chance your website is outdated in this respect too.

Can visitors find valuable information on your website? Information that’s valuable enough and compelling enough for them to make contact?

You might also have a few different types of user visiting your website, each type looking for something different. Does your current website cater for all of their individual needs?

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