
Monitor, Report & Adapt

SEO is a process that needs ongoing monitoring, with those results we make  adjustments, monitor and adjust again and again.

We look at the results via, traffic, conversions, revenue and keyword rankings. Have there been significant changes to traffic? Which pages have browsers landed on? How long did they stay on the website? We thoroughly investigate and analyse all activity to make sure you have the best efficient long term SEO strategy.


Google is king and the market leader in all search engine browsers; it now has over 85% of the UK search engine market. We need to ensure you are found on the first page.

To do this we need to monitor your SEO strategy, which parts are working best and whicg need adapting. It is an ongoing commitment and Google and other search engines are constantly updating and changing their search algorithms so we must also accordingly change your SEO strategy.

What tools do we use to Monitor your SEO.

One of the main tools we use is Google Analytics, it shows us traffic to the website and how visitors interact.

At the forefront are the objectives that were set at the start of our client meetings. How are we achieving towards our agreed goals? Are we on the right track if not we need to adapt and make changes. Without monitoring, we effectively do not know what is and what is not working.

Some of the real time areas we monitor with Google Analytics:-

By landing page

We want overall traffic to the website but we also want browsers to land on the most appropriate page for their customer journey.  If you have a ecommerce clothing website and a browser has searched ‘men’s jackets’ we want them to land on that category page rather than the home page.

By monitoring landing page results we can see what changes need to be made.  If you do not have a lot of traffic on a certain page it may mean we need to change the content on that page.

We also use different SEO strategies on different pages, so we can compare results to see which formulas are working best for your business.

Who are your browsers?

As well as looking at the number of browsers, the length they stay on the site and how many pages they browse, we can go into finer details.

We analyse demographics and locations, ages, gender and interests. If you are a U.K business, there is no point looking at data from Asia for example.

We can see which areas/locations are responding best to the campaign. We can then target these areas in the rest of your marketing and social media.


Where are your users browsing from? Desktop, tablet or mobile? 

What are the conversion rates on each device? Is the website responsive? Do we need to do some development work to increase the traffic on certain pages?

Mobile browsing is higher than desktop browsing, so if your analytics have higher traffic on desktops then you need to follow some extra optimisation on your mobile site.

Where are your browsers coming from?

How did they find your website, by entering in the whole URL or via above line marketing, link ins, social media or organic searches.

This is important for you to see your ROI on organic marketing.

What is Bounce Rate?

A bounce rate is the number of people who have bounced/left from your website after only landing on one page. The lower this is the better.

If you have a high bounce rate % it can mean they found your website but did not like it or did not feel it was relevant to them or they found what they needed and left.

Exit Pages

These are the last pages your browser visits before leaving. Was this the page that we expected them to leave on following a customer journey, for example the contact us or payment page. If it is not again some improvements and amendments need to be analysed.

If your SEO campaign is to be effective you must be able to monitor it. By monitoring your SEO efforts, you can gain insight into what activities translate into better rankings and lead conversions.

The other major search engines (Yahoo!, Bing, and MSN) also provide SEO monitoring tools to keep track of how well your website is doing!

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