
Digital Marketing in 2025: Embracing Change for Digital Agencies

As with all industries, evolution, changes, knowledge, and expertise will create new trends and emerging strategies. Remaining stagnant while your competitors embrace forward-thinking changes is not a wise decision.

AI will have an even more significant impact on marketing, and with new technologies, fine-tuning strategies will be even more valuable in helping shape new ideas and businesses to reach the next level.

At the forefront of all businesses in 2025, a USP in a competitive industry is customer service. In 2025, personalization will be key. Creating tailored, unique experiences is essential. This can be used via email campaigns, tailored video campaigns, and personalized product suggestions.

Video campaigns will be heavily used via virtual reality and voice augmented reality, giving consumers a pre-trial of products or services. A "try before you buy" experience. E-commerce websites will be able to show products in captivating real-time.

Videos are projected to constitute a staggering 82% of all consumer internet traffic by 2025, indicating the immense significance of video content in capturing audience attention and engagement. With 58% of consumers expressing a preference for watching video content on smartphones, and the rise of platforms like TikTok, which has surpassed Facebook as the most popular social media platform for marketing videos in 2024, it's evident that video content has become deeply ingrained in consumer habits and preferences.

In 2025, several emerging social media platforms will possibly be making waves and reshaping the digital landscape. These platforms are introducing new ways for users to connect, share content, and engage with their communities. Let's explore some of the emerging social media platforms that are garnering attention:

WeAre8 - A transformative social media platform, offering users 8 minutes of handpicked content each day. Users are also rewarded with small payments when they view advertising via the app. This innovative approach to content consumption and user engagement sets WeAre8 apart as a platform that is redefining the dynamics of social media interaction and content discovery. Users earn between 6p and 20p for each ad watched. Out of each pound a brand spends on ads, 50% is distributed to users, 5% goes to a charity of the brand’s choice, and 1% goes to Ecologi – a carbon reduction company.

Quest App - A digital learning platform with a focus on providing support from a large community of learners and trainers, Quest App addresses the evolving needs of users seeking educational and professional development opportunities within a social media framework. Its potential to bridge the gap between learning and social interaction makes it a platform to watch in 2025. Provides long-term support from a large community of learners and trainers.

BeReal has seen a remarkable 313% growth in usage, indicating its rising popularity among consumers. It's meant to encourage people to be more authentic, instead of trying to present their best selves. As an emerging platform, BeReal presents an intriguing prospect for brands and marketers looking to engage with a growing user base.

Mastodon has emerged as an open-source powerhouse, providing seamless sharing of text, images, and videos to its users. With a unique approach that eschews algorithms and ads, Mastodon offers a distinct alternative for users seeking a more organic and ad-free social media experience. Its growing user base and disruptive potential position it as a platform to watch in 2025.

Lemon8, is a social media app focusing on a content-sharing platform covering diverse areas such as fashion, makeup, food, travel, gadgets, and pets. With a focus on photography and a variety of creative tools for content creators, Lemon8 presents an engaging platform for users to explore and share their passions and is primarily focused on photo content.

The emergence of these social media platforms reflects the dynamic nature of the digital landscape, offering users and marketers new avenues for content creation, community engagement, and brand interaction. Digital marketers will have a vast array of new tools in 2025 to help them target audiences more precisely with personalization and grow closer via engagement.

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