
How to choose the perfect Web Design Agency for your next project

Selecting the ideal agency to take forward your web project can seem like an incredibly overwhelming feat. There are just so many things to consider not to mention consequences can become very costly if you don’t make an excellent choice from the get-go.

When deciding which web design agency to take forward your project, it is beneficial to have a list in mind of the advantages and disadvantages of each. Why not even cross-reference them, scoring them on your ideal criteria. Naturally, you may have your own ideas of what you are looking for- but allow us to give you a few pointers on what to consider when choosing your ideal agency!


First things first, be sure to check out the back catalogue of work for any prospective agency. This is the quickest way to check out their credibility, the types of project they deliver and if they are capable of handling your request. Lookup any case studies you come across, don’t be afraid to do your homework and check out the sites listed. Vet the services they offered. Did they build the whole project and platform from a to be? Or just the design? If it is the latter, consider some agencies outsource web developers which means they may not be at hand to support you with any teething issues. Check thoroughly the websites the agency made, on both mobile and desktop devices. Be sure to keep your eyes peeled for any glaring errors or glitches in the system. These should be red flags to stay well clear!


Nowadays, almost everyone claims to be able to throw together a website, but what makes a considerable difference is experience. It’s a great idea to dig a little deeper and find out if the agency has worked on anything like your brief before. So, if you are a pet groomer, do they know how to market such services? Have they done anything similar? Or perhaps you an estate agent. Get to know where their experience lies.

Ultimately experience matters because it will save you time and money; a reliable agency will know what you are facing and avoid potential errors. Of course, even if the agency doesn’t have experience in your particular sector, it’s worth considering the energy and ideas they generate. There are heaps of plus points to agencies that are new to the game. They may be able to offer you a new fresh perspective, and things you hadn’t perhaps considered before. It’s well worth weighing up the pros and cons here, depending on the project you have in mind.

Accessibility and support

Nowadays, the location of an agency isn’t so crucial; we can partner with literally anyone in the world. That said it’s well worth considering the native language of the agency, to avoid any potential communication break downs. Take a look at the time zone as well; see if it works within your working day. It’s good to see how they operate if you can’t physically pop by are you able to have a meeting on Zoom or Teams? You want your agency to be responsive to your needs and contactable. Nobody wants to be left in the dark. Try your best to consider what works best for you and the needs of your project.

This area also ties in nicely with the support they offer. Are you still able to reach out to them after the project is completed? It’s essential to consider this, especially if you face an error fresh from launching. If you reach out, will aftercare be billed or free? At Wirefox, we offer a variety of comprehensive packages to suit your needs.  This might not sound vital, but if you intend to update your website often,  in our experience, it is precisely here where things can often break!

Clear parameters

You want an agency who are going to stick to their word with deliverables. Some agencies take on so much work, and deadlines get stretched and stretched. Perhaps you have an ideal date in mind when you want your site to go live, around a specific date or occasion. Be sure to communicate with your prospective agency, test the water and see how they react with your project timeline. It’s important to know this before signing any agreement, so both parties have clear and realistic expectations on the deliverables.


As much as we wish to say money doesn’t matter, naturally when signing up for a new agency to handle your project, you may be worried about the final bill. Doing your research on what agencies should be charging for your brief will help you with a quick market analysis. (Perhaps another pointer for that checklist we mentioned earlier!) it might be tempting to go with the cheapest, but do they assure a high quality of work and aftercare?  The old adage may ring true, if it is too good to be true, it probably is! Low-cost providers may be using fixed templates and throwing out cheap websites fast. At the other end of the spectrum, if one agency jumps out miles ahead of the others by cost, carefully examine why this may be the case. Are they offering a top-notch product? If you have dug around and can’t seem to understand why they are so high, equally this may not be the best agency for you.

Word on the street

This day and age, a quick google search or scan through a Facebook page review will give you plenty of insight about any prospective agency. Check google business, and unbiased, fair review sites (some are paid, unfortunately!) Read a few and make a careful decision.

It’s also worth mentioning there are many clear advantages from picking a family agency such as Wirefox, you won’t be just another number, and we promise a bespoke hands-on approach!

For more details on how to partner up with the perfect design agency for you, or to discuss your project get in touch with the Wirefox team today.

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